Sunday, February 4, 2007

A short note

Hi all!

Jeff here . . . Well, the kids are here and we're having a great time. We haven't done a whole lot of anything. Just hanging out at the apartment, but that's been best for everyone I think. Last night, I had my best night of sleep since treatment started. I don't think it's any coincidence that it happened while the kids were spread out on the floor in the next room. Having the kids here is good medicine, and I'll be sad to see them go tomorrow.

I also want to give a public thanks to my mom. She has been a wonderful caretaker during my recovery weeks: making lots of great food, keeping the apartment immaculately clean, even rubbing my back and legs when I've had trouble sleeping. I feel like I'm a kid again, home sick from school. My parents have always been there when we needed an extra hand, but this time they've gone way beyond the call of duty.

Finally, I want to recognize Kelly for all she's done to keep life as normal as possible for me and the kids during this whole ordeal. She is showing the kids how to be hopeful and steadfast even when everything seems to be going wrong. She has given me total, unwavering support so that I can focus all my attention on getting better. She has helped guide all of the help that we have received from so many people and has kept everyone informed about my condition at those times when I have been unable to speak for myself. And she's done it all while pregnant. If you see Kelly, give her a hug. She certainly deserves it.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I can feel them making me stronger every day.


Mary M Clay said...


Great to hear from you! I have been thinking about you all day, knowing that the kids have to leave tomorrow. Grandma and I had a great time in Wauwatosa. She sends you all her prayers and love. I love you and am praying for you, Jeff.

Katie Clancy said...

Dear Jeff and Dodd Squad, great to hear you are all having a good time and that you're resting well Jeff. Seems like the kids' visit is just timed perfectly. Kids, are you enjoying houston and your parents? Enjoy the game! Go bears
Love, Katie

Michelle & Jeff said...

It was great talking with you yesterday! I'm so glad the kids had a chance to visit you. How fun for them to take their first airplane flight together. Jeff and I will be praying lots for you this coming week as you gear up to start round 2. You are such a strong person, Jeff. We are all so blessed to have you in our lives. Ditto to all your comments regarding Mom and Dad. God definitely dealt us the right hand by giving us such incredible parents. I also must agree that Kelly is doing such an amazing job! As I'm preparing to get married, I'm so lucky to have you and Kelly to look to as a married couple. Thank you!
We'll be thinking and praying for you. I love you!
Michelle (and Jeff)

The Hutt Family said...

Hi Dodds!'s Superbowl Sunday and we really miss you all! As you know, we were hoping tohave you all over for some food, fun and some long overdue catching up. We will definately take a rain check for next year! Kelly...I've called a few times and never know when is a good time. We'd love to have you all over for dinner if it would simply things for you so let us know whenever. I finally touched base with Robin to be put on the "meal wagon". What great friends you have! you begin round 2, please know you are in our thoughts now more than ever. Good luck and keep the faith!
Love, The Hutts

Dana said...

Hello Jeff & family,

It's great to hear that you and the family had a good time re-connecting over the weekend.

This morning, Shalu & I were thinking about you in a special way during church. We will continue to send thoughts and prayers during this upcoming week of treatment.

Being that this is Super Bowl Sunday, I should probably make a comment about the pathetic Bears...What a sad performance. I hope that the game provided you with a much needed distraction.

Dana & Shalu

Joseph E. Tierney IV said...
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Joseph E. Tierney IV said...


I am glad you can read again! Keep up the good work of recovery. We will keep praying for you!


Ann R said...

Jeff and Kelly and family,
Sounds like you are having a great visit with everyone and I am sure it is one of the best med's is just to have family around. I just want you to know that I check my email everyday to see how you are doing. I can not get by one day. I love all the updates on you and your family. I hear from Tracy and Patrick every so often but this blog is the best and the fastest news. I have great confindence in your next round of treatment you are a fighter you did go to "Notre Dame" the fighting Irish. I am sure you have a tough fight but my moneys on the Jeff Dodd.
God Bless and you are in my prayers,
Ann Reins (Tracy Mom)

Laura Gilbert said...

Hey, Jeff. Just wanted to send you a shout out of support before the next treatment cycle. I always knew at ND that you were something special, but reading your posts (and Kelly's) I'm just continually amazed at what a strong, grounded, generous husband and father you've grown into (kind of humbling, since I'm still ranking around age 18 on the maturity scale :). All my thoughts and prayers are with you as you enter the next round. Laura

Runges said...

Jeff, Kelly and clan - So nice to hear that everyone enjoyed the flight and the visit. I was envisioning the excitement ont he way down!!
I stopped and saw your mom when she was in Tosa watching the kids. What a supportive family. You have a great team praying and rooting for you.
Our best wishes as you prepare for the next treatment series. Keep eating those treats. Take care. Love the Runges

Scott_Monica1981 said...

Jeff & Kelly,
I hope you had a great weekend with the family all together!

Kelly, you had mentioned about the kids taking a NASA tour. A friend of mines daughter & son-in-law work there. They said they would love to give the kids a tour. Let me know if you want me to pursue it.

Hope your gaining weight and strength!

All our love & prayers,

Scott & Monica