Hi! After months of training, Finn is officially walking! He now can stand up in the middle of a room and take four or five steps all by himself. That's probably better than I can do. I tried to get a picture of him in action, but of course he won't cooperate. Finn definitely has a mind of his own; he'll do something only if he wants to do it. Asking, cajoling, begging, bribing: nothing works. Oh well. He isn't the only one in the family who insists on doing things his own way. : ) He did allow me to take a picture of him standing by himself.
The kids have one more day of school. Then summer vacation begins--yippee!
PS I don't know what I'm doing with my fingers in this picture. Maybe I'm trying to get Finn's attention. Whatever I'm doing, I couldn't edit them out very easily so there they are, preserved for posterity.
That picture is so sweet! He looks so big standing all on his own. Hope you guys have a great vacation! I can't wait to hear all about it!
Love you all very much,
Finn will be running on the ship. He won't want to be left behind. So cute. Thanks for the picture. We so enjoy them. Have fun on the trip. Mom and Dad
Finn looks like such a big boy standing there by himself. I can just tell by the picture that he's doing what HE wants. It looks like you were snapping your fingers trying to get him to look at the camera and he says, "Nope, I'll look where I want to." I hope your vacation is a blast. Love, Myrna
I'm so glad to hear that you found two excellent sitters to help over the summer. Summer will be a busy and exciting place in the court. Everytime I drive in, there's always action. Regan and Jack showed me the sick woodpecker just the other day.
I enjoyed the Finn update. He'll soon be joining in on all the hustle and bustle.
Take care. Our thoughts are always with the whole Dodd crew.
Love, Cheri, Charlie, Pete and Paul
Caption: Finn...I'm crushing your head!
Happy Father's Day Jeff, It looks like your little ones are really growing up fast. Just a note to say hi and to vote on the big Elvis glasses. Your looking mighty good.
Have a great summer,
Ann Reins(Tracy Mom)
I see Finn is doing more than just learning how to walk. Looks like Finn might grow up to be a Neurologist. I see he is also learning how to read. If you look closely on the back of the magazine it reads... "understanding the brain". And in the last picture Finn was wearing glasses. See all the signs are coming together. He is going to be a brainiac if you will. Pun intended. :)
Hope you guys are having a great time on the cruise. You'll have to tell me how the kids enjoyed it.
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