Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hello Houston!

Hi! For those who don't know, a snowfall is measured by locating a flat area that is minimally affected by drifting and sticking a ruler in the snow. Really scientific, right? That's how they do it, though. Judging by the amount that accumulated on a garden table just outside our bedroom, I would size up yesterday's snowfall between 12 and 14 inches! The airport received a little less than that, but still enough to earn this winter the title of "Milwaukee's Second Snowiest Year" (the snowiest was 1885-86). And just when we were starting to see the grass again! I am so ready for spring: you know, that period in late April through early June when we Wisconsinites can break out our unlined coats and bask in the heat of lovely 50 degree days! (NOTE: That statement reveals sarcasm but not hyperbole.)

Anyway, all the snow reminds me of a long-overdue blog I've been meaning to post: a great big "Hi Y'all!" to my friends in Houston. Kelly and I have frequently talked about the fact that I missed out on last year's winter weather because I was in Houston from January to April. And that in turn led to further enjoyable conversations about the many people who made my Houston experience so wonderful.

There's Dr. Legha and his assistant, Jeanine, of course. And all of the nurses, techs, and other support staff at the various hospitals, clinics, and outpatient testing centers I had to visit on an almost daily basis. But more importantly, there were the Gardners, who unofficially but more than graciously served as our host the entire time we were there (as well as each time we have had to go back); Jerry and Margaret Toomey, who treated me with the type of kindness and generosity--not to mention excellent cooking--typically reserved for close relatives; the Costantini family, who knew how to point me in the right direction whenever I needed guidance and who also served me the best Italian meal I've ever had; Kathy Connors, who time and time again asked what I needed and then, by mining the resources of the ND Club of Houston, delivered brilliantly; Grace Presbyterian Church, who provided--at the unbelievably low rate of $25 per day--a fully furnished medical apartment that we called home for more than three months (a great example of creative Christian ministry that truly serves those in need); and the list could go on and on. I know as soon as I post this I will remember more names that I should have included on this list. Blame it on my whole brain radiation that I can't think of those names at this time.

But named or unnamed, know that I ceaselessly think about you all and thank God that he brought you into my life. I do look forward to visiting you all again.


PS Here's a picture of me, Aubrey, Regan, Jack, and a dozen decorated eggs. Happy Easter!


maureen said...

Nothing beats an easter egg hunt in the snow !! Take it from someone who once lived in the Great U.P. of Michigan.(You all lived south of us). Wishing you and your beautiful family a very happy,white Easter. May you continue to feel the power and peace of the Risen Lord.
Thanks so much for touching the lives of so many with your blog. If hands could reach through the computer I know you would feel the touch of hundreds on a daily basis.
All too often those of us in the medical profession forget about the comforting power of a simple touch as we attempt to lower blood pressure or alleviate someone's pain. Thanks for reminding me of the gift I can give others that does not come in a pill and is not limited in dosage.
Sending good energy and many prayers your way.
Maureen (R.N. in KY)

Jim said...

You think you've got bad weather and that you can't wait for spring huh? You ain't got nothin up there compared to us down south, it's a frigid 52 degrees out today and it's pretty out and looks like it should be 80, but it's not!, looks are deceiving and we don't like it! it's frigid and windy, really really windy, we are suffering worse than you snowed in folks I can assure you.

Katie Clancy said...

Thanks for the update! Happy Easter. Consider this a FORMAL PLEA for Kelly to fill us all in on her come back to singing. Love ya all!

ksu_rock said...

Happy Easter, Jeff & family! What a great sight, seeing you stand up so strong with your children. Aren't Easter eggs fun? Parenthood reminds us of all the fun stuff we experienced as kids.

Had a great weekend with Merry recovering, Sara, Junior, Uncle Lynn & Aunt Martha, and your parents stopped in for a quick visit on their way home from Branson - very good to see everyone!

Much love from KC,

Katie Elsener said...

Hi Jeff,
You and your very cute kids look wonderful. Happy Spring!
Sincerely, Mark and Katie Elsener

Terri said...

By the look of the picture the winter sure doesn't seem to effect Regan. She is in shorts and a tank. :) Either the winter doesn't effect her or you are having a beach party inside your house and the heat is cranked to 90 and there is sand all over the floor. :) Anyway, tell everyone hi from me.