Sunday, September 16, 2007

My dad watching the footboll game!!!!!!

Yesterday my dad's frends came over to watch the football game.The huskers & ND LOST!! My dad was kind of mad but that is OK. And they brought there twinn baby girl's. This blog is by Regan dodd


Cathy said...

Hi Jeff,

Take solice. You are not the only one who was "mad" about the game again Michigan. I get so many people down here asking when Charlie's contract is going to be on the "chopping block".... Guess it is time to admit - this IS a rebuilding year. If our team could just get the offensive line to protect our QB... oh well, enough football talk.

Thanks for sharing everything about your treatment, etc. You are always in my prayers for successful treatment and beating this thing!

The weather down here in Houston has finally turned to Fall, well, turned to what we call Fall... lower humidity, 60s in the a.m., only in the 80's during the day... :-)

Well, time for me to get off the computer and spend a little time outside...Prayers for you and the whole family!

Cathy Connors

Katie Clancy said...

Hi Regan and the rest of the Dodds...good job with the post Regan! Hope you all had fun hanging out. Sounds like it was Tony Popanz who joined you. Hi Tony!

Tonyn'CC said...

Hi Katie - yes, you guessed correctly, and congrats on your upcoming wedding!

Jeff, Kelly, Mary, Aubrey, Jack, Regan, and Finn,
We had a great time spending the afternoon with you. Made the miserable game played by ND almost fly by, not that I cared to watch much of that disaster during our visit.
-Tony and CeeCee

You play so nice with us. We can't wait until mommy and daddy bring us over to see you again, or maybe your mommy and daddy can bring you to our house to play and we will be happy to let you sit in our bouncy chair and play on our mat with our jingly bugs.
-Allison and Chloe

Amy, Mark, Rose, and Maggie said...

Hello Dodd Squad!

Been out of the loop for a bit and am bummed to hear about the recent frustrations, but really appreciate the information you're sharing. We continue to pray for all of you and look forward to better days ahead.

Amy Kutilek (pronounced Q-til-ick, still getting used to that myself, I still answer to Schulte!)