Hi! Whoever said the living is easy in the summer time certainly didn't have four kids. I think this is only the third time I've had a chance to sit down at my computer in the last 10 days! It's not that we have loads of activities on the calendar. We signed Regan up for swimming lessons and Jack has t-ball once each week. That's it. But I'm not moving as fast as I did before I got my cane, and having a walking one-year-old underfoot certainly increases the amount of activity in the house. Fortunately, I have great kids and the three oldest are usually happy to give me a hand when I need it.
Jack's t-ball team had "official" team pictures taken last week. We could have paid $18 for a 5 x 7 photo of Jack swinging a bat and an 8 x 10 photo of him standing with kids he sees once each week for eight weeks. If he had been our first child, we might have done it. As fate would have it, however, he is our third. So we skipped team pictures. We took Jack to a neighborhood playground, snapped a couple of digital photos of him with his bat and glove, and then the whole family went to Gilles for custard. Jack was happy with that, and so was everyone else.
Speaking of Jack, he and I went to the Milwaukee Art Museum yesterday. Aubrey and Regan were away at Camp Angel (a three-day camp in north Wisconsin for kids who have parents, siblings, or grandparents with cancer; I'll post some pictures if and when I get some) so I thought it would be fun to do something just with Jack. The Brewers game was sold out, so he said he wanted to go to the Art Museum instead. If you live in the Milwaukee area and haven't been to the MAM lately, I recommend paying a visit. They recently opened a "Sensory Overload" exhibit that is absolutely terrific, especially for kids. It's part of the regular collection, so you don't have to pay extra. And did you know Milwaukee County residents get free admission on Wednesdays (kids under 12 are free all the time)? Anyway, that's just a little about what we've been doing. Will write more later.